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Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Sorry, we have not posted in awhile. I have been feeling kinda yucky, because, we are expecting again. I am 14 weeks along and we will welcome our new family member sometime at the end of January or the beginning of February. We are super excited and waited awhile to tell talk about it. We were a little nervous at first because of what happened the last time, but everything looks great so far. I have had some morning sickness but not as bad as when I was pregnant for Jayce. I don't like to feel icky, but it is a good sign that everything is going ok. I have already had an ultrasound and we heard the babies heart beat, it was really strong. At my 12 week visit the heartbeat was 164. We decided not to find out if this baby was a boy or girl, we are just hoping for a healthy baby, boy or girl. Although, it would be nice to have a baby girl. Mac said he thinks it is a girl. I feel like it will be another boy. Either way we are super excited to have a new baby and and a new family member. Boy or girl, this will be our last baby, so I am trying to enjoy it, even with all the sickness. Hopefully it will be over soon!


The Hansen's said...

so excited for you!!

Mindy and Sean said...

Congratulations! We are so happy that everything is going well this time around and that your "icky" feelings will go away soon! We LOVE that you're not finding out the gender of the baby- good for you! We'll be praying for a normal pregnancy and a healthy baby!

Tom, Lauren, Maddie and Cru said...

Congratulations dear! Babies all around! ;) I'm glad you are feeling better, and everything is going so well. Hugs hun.

The Hall's said...

YEAH!!!! Another gorgeous baby in the VandenHout family! I have no doubt - boy or girl - he or she will be just as cute and perfect as Jayce Coop and Mac! I can't wait to meet her!

David and Stephanie said...

The baby will be here before you know it. Family of 5...can't imagine. I am home tying to figure out my new family of three. Good luck and I am hoping for you to get a girl!!!!

The Beckers said...

You know that we are sooooooo excited for your new babe!!!! Sarah is a good name because I pretty sure it's a girl!

Kate McKellar said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting! You are soooo close to my sister's due date! You must have known at the Start of Summer Celebration, huh?!? I thought you were quite interested in Maria's pregnancy! Best wishes! I'll be looking forward to seeing your updates and progress!!