Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Mac turned 4 on Thursday, I can't believe how big he has gotten. He was so excited on his birthday he ran upstairs and said " Mommy, I am 4 now!" and then he ran over to Jason and told him the exact same thing. Jason's cousin Sam had spent the night and when he woke up he told Sam "Sam, I am so glad it is my birthday, now everyone has to say Happy Birthday to me!" His birthday started out on Wednesday at School, they had a birthday celebration for him and he was able to bring a treat to share. When he got home from School, Grandma Barb and Aunt Carly had come to celebrate the big day with him. Thursday we went to Klackles to get pumpkins with Grandma Barb, Aunt Carly, Cousin Sam, Jason, Mac, Jayce and I. When we got home we had pizza and cake with his team (cousins, David, Joseph, Jeb, Abe, and Eli.) What a day! Daddy also surprised Mac with a new Wii and a new Wii game (Little League World Series!) Boy, was Mac in heaven. We finished up on Saturday, we spent the evening and night at the Marriot downtown Grand Rapids where Aunt Katie, Uncle James, Mason, Grandma Julie, Emmie, Sarah, Ruby, Aiden and Cathy joined us for dinner and swimming. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful presents and company. I can't believe how time flys, it seems just yesterday he was born. I will never forget his little pumpkin hat that the hospital gave him. He has grown into one of the funniest, caring and adventurous little boys, we could not be more proud of him. WE LOVE YOU MAC!!!

I will post more pictures soon, my camera battery died so my mom is going to email me hers when she gets them onto her computer!!